1. Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: neuralgias, headaches, spastic paresis, limp paresis, extrapyramidal syndrome.
2. Diseases of the skeletomuscular system:
– rheumatic diseases: degenerative, inflammatory (acute and chronic conditions), osteoporosis, soft tissue diseases, extra-articular joint rheumatic diseases
– traumas: contusions, muscle strains, ligament injuries, dislocations and distortions, fractures (especially those connected to difficult formation of the callus), pseudoarthrosis, femoral head avascular necrosis, loose endoprostheses, Sudeck’s Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)
– post-operative rehabilitation (especially conditions after the surgery of the intervertebral disc and procedures on muscles and tendons), improved epithelisation and transplant acceptance, slow wound healing, contractures
3. Diseases of the hearth and the bloostream