Magnetic waves of low frequency act healingly, they accelerate metabolism and circulation and by doing so stimulate the change of substances. The therapy is especially induced in the treatments of breaking (fracture), dislocation, and degenerative diseases and osteoporosis. An important characteristic of it is that it can be used even with patients wearing plaster casts! It is used in the following cases:

– rheumatology: inflammatory rheumatism, degenerative rheumatism, fibromyalgic rheumatism, aseptic bone necrosis

– neurology: lumbar sciatica, tension headache, post-herpes neuralgia, phantom pain

– traumatology: pseudoarthrosis, slow fracture healing, soft tissue lesions, Sudeck’s Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

– endocrinology: osteoporosis (old age osteoporosis and post-menopause osteoporosis)

– angiology: diseases of peripheral arteries of bedsores and ulcers

– pulmonology: bronchitis, bronchial asthma

– dermatology: wounds, skin burns, psoriasis


The services provided by the Tranfić Policlinic are aimed at the main goals set up in working with patients: removing pain, normalising functions and preventing physical suffering. We invest into knowledge and equipment in the way that therapy results be as fast as possible, with maximum patient security. In the earliest phase of pain and reduced functions, we use the laser, electroanalgesia, magnetic therapy, manual medicine (chiropractic) when possible, lymphatic drainage… Positional therapy is very important in that phase. In the later in-between phase we may use massages, manual medicine, electrotherapy, vacuum, electronic traction, short wave diathermy, infrared and ultraviolet lamps, balance table, kinesis-therapy… In the post-operative rehabilitation phase and recovery after a stroke (cerebrovascular accident), as well as at the end, rehabilitation needs to begin immediately, with a careful choice of procedures. Early rehabilitation significantly reduces the recovery period and yields better results. Losing time causes significant health and financial damage because the function of the damaged part of the body deteriorates quickly without rehabilitation. We pay equal attention to rehabilitation from neurological disorders (stroke…), traumas (dislocations and breakings), correction of the spine in kids and young people, rehabilitation of the urinary tract (incontinence). Retrieving of the function of the recovered part of the body, as well as the organism as a whole, is always at the centre of our interests.